The discipline of "Pedodontics" deals with the structure, diseases, preventive and curative treatment of the mouth and teeth area and lower facial area of children. Dentists trained in this field are called "pedodontists". This article contains information about oral and dental diseases, starting from the teething of children in normal periods.
When do teeth start erupting?
In babies, the first tooth starts to erupt around the 6th month. However, delays or early tooth eruption can often be observed in tooth eruption. Late eruption of teeth is usually associated with genetic predisposition; However, systemic diseases that delay tooth eruption should not be ignored. These diseases are thyroid, parathyroid and growth hormone deficiencies that generally prevent growth and development.
Newborns also have tooth buds. Buds of all milk teeth (germ) and first permanent molars (six-year-old female) bumps were formed at birth.
Teeth that will last for 4-8 months:
If there is a slight relief in the upper incisors area, these areas indicate that the upper right and left lateral incisors are in progress. Lower and upper middle incisors took. The driving order is in the form of first upper middle cutters, then upper side cutters, then lower side cutters.
Teeth that will last between 8-11 months:
All of the lower and upper middle and lateral incisors are erupted.
Teeth that will last between 11-15 months:
All the lower and upper middle lateral incisors have erupted. Upper side milk cutters last 12 months before lower side milk cutters. Then the first milk molars start to erupt.
Teeth that will last between 15-21 months:
When the child is 18 months old, milk canine teeth begin to erupt.
Teeth that will last between the ages of one and a half - two and a half: The second milk molars of the lower and upper jaw have also erupted. The root calcification of deciduous teeth is completed one year after the crowns erupt. Permanent 1st molar tooth erupts at the age of six. Six-year-old teeth erupt behind existing milk teeth at age 6. Children and parents confuse six-year-old teeth with baby teeth. Before these teeth are fully erupted, only the chewing face may remain in place for months. Food deposits cause caries. Sometimes gingivitis occurs.
What are the symptoms seen while tooth eruption in children?
During the eruption of milk teeth, some general and regional changes are observed in babies. These are loss of appetite, weight loss, restlessness, increased salivation, itching and redness in the gum area.
There is no treatment method to relieve these symptoms. However, dental gel can be used externally to ensure that the baby can be fed comfortably and relieve pain. Also, some syrups can be used to relieve itching.
When should the first visit to the dentist be?
Children should be taken to the dentist for control after the first tooth eruption. After that, the dentist visit should be repeated every 6 months for control purposes. The clinical examination of the child by the dentist has two stages:
Stage 1: External Examination
The size, shape and proportions of this region are observed in head-face examination. Any swelling, asymmetry, lower jaw retardation or lower jaw progress is examined in children older than six years of age. Palpation and inspection of the swelling should be done to determine its softness and lymph examination. After that, lower jaw joint examination is started. Pain and sounds are evaluated. In the eye, nose and sinus examination, exophthalmos, blue sclera, droopy eyelid and nasal obstruction should be evaluated in the child.
Stage 2: Oral Examination
This examination includes the examination of the teeth and soft tissues with the mouth open and the observations made when the teeth are in the closing state. The examination starts with the internal and external examination of the lips. Then the buccal mucosa, frenulums, hard palate, pharynx, sublingual, region and tongue are examined. It is checked for discoloration, acute and chronic mite (fistula) or swelling.
What does the dentist recommend to parents?
Parents are informed about the oral and dental health of the child. It is recommended to have it examined by a pedodontist or dentist every six months.
What should be done if the permanent tooth erupts while the milk tooth is in the mouth?
It is most frequently seen in the lower front teeth during intraoral examination. "Ectopiceruspion" is abnormal eruption of the tooth. Permanent incisors and canines tend to drive ectopic. This may cause premature root melting of milk cutters. Another example of additional topical application in the early melting of the posterior roots of second milk molars.
Ectopic eruption is usually seen between the ages of 5-8. If a 7-year-old child has lost milk canines or unerupted permanent molars, eruption is suspected.
Ectopic riding in the lower front teeth resolves spontaneously when the milk cutters are thought or removed. There are many treatment options for ectopic teeth, from simple wires placed between teeth to orthodontic appliances. Displacement forces are applied to the teeth to drive the teeth in appropriate places. For this purpose, the child is directed to the dentist.
When should brushing start?
Dental care starting in infancy constitutes the first steps in the establishment of preventive education and dental care that will be required throughout life. It is thought that the microorganisms that cause "Streptococus Mutans" in general to the microorganism group that cause tooth decay are passed from mother to child in a period of 9 - 36 months. Therefore, the dental health of the child and the dental health of the mother are very closely related. Oral care in babies should start with the first tooth eruption.
Oral and dental cleaning should be done by the mother with a clean piece of cloth. Toothbrushes can be used in children from 1 year old. Considering that the child cannot rinse the mouth, tooth brushing can be done without toothpaste or using child pastes with low fluorine content. If it is thought that the child will not be able to perform an effective tooth cleaning, the toothbrush should be used by the parents. Following the brushing process, the tongue surface should also be brushed.
In the first examination, the medical and dental history of the baby is listened. Oral examination is performed at the patient's first visit and the patient's susceptibility to tooth decay is evaluated. Protection from development, need for fluoride, habits other than normal nutrition (bottle, pacifier, etc.) from trauma; The patient is guided according to oral hygiene and eating habits, and the effects on the teeth. The first visit to the pediatric dentist or dentist is important in terms of obtaining information that can be useful for the baby throughout life.
What are the precautions to be taken in tooth decay in children?
The first action to be taken to prevent tooth decay is to have good oral hygiene. For this purpose, teeth should be brushed at least 3 times a day for 2 minutes. As an aid to the toothbrush, dental floss and mouthwash can only be used after the age of 5 according to the dentist's recommendation. One of the methods with proven effectiveness in preventing tooth decay should be "fluorine" application.